1·Pelham moved across to indicate a wall chart.
2·Add those measurements to your wall chart and watch the progress.
3·The friend reportedly added that Middleton and William keep a wall chart with a tally of how many times newspapers predict they will get married.
4·As chart 3 shows, Wall Street got back to an average valuation by the March lows, but never looked particularly cheap by historical standards.
5·Between 2003 and 2006 Goldman's traders were losing money on many more days than other Wall Street firms (see chart).
6·That being said, as the chart below shows, Occupy Wall Street does appear to be getting comparable traction in the media as the Tea Party did after roughly the same period of time.
7·Wall Street Banks did a roaring trade packaging bunches of subprime loans into mortgage-backed securities, and selling them on to investors, greedy for yields (see chart).
8·You've just got a chart on the wall in your fancy office in Washington with this bill at the top and all the states listed below.
9·She picked up a chart that was hanging from the wall.
10·Take this chart and post it on your wall as a reference.